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  • Woman in hard hat showing proud stance

How Long Does it Take for Content to Rank?

How long does it take for content to rank with search engines? Is your marketing hire creating videos, writing blogs, and gathering testimonials putting their efforts in the right places? Is all that content you’re [...]

  • Options for TV Viewing

RCG Contractor 1Q21 Media Landscape Updates

Updates and Changes to the Media Landscape Put Into Effect During 1Q21 During 1Q21, broadband-only homes have been added to the DMA universe measurement. This includes homes that subscribe to a vMVPD that carries local [...]

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Influential Mediums in Purchase Decisions

What Advertising Works Best? Everyone wants their advertising to work. For contractors, that means investing your ad budget in a way that generates the most leads for the best price. Generating lead volume is especially [...]

  • Blueprint Design Ideas

2021 Home Improvement Trends

Trends to Watch for Home Services Teams in 2021. In 2020, Home Services was one sector of business that actually grew during the pandemic. As families and individuals have continued to stay home, this has [...]

  • Preparing for a Cookieless Future in Digital Advertising

Preparing for a Cookieless Future

What Does a Cookieless Future Look Like for Digital Advertisers. In recent years, as internet privacy became a mainstream focus. In response, the marketplace began shifting to provide more privacy for internet users. The trend [...]

  • High Profile Game Advertising Dollars

Super Bowl Woes in Advertising Spends

High Profile Program Targeting is Seeing Less Advertising Dollars The Super Bowl is the grandest of all sporting events in the United States every year that draws viewership numbers year after year. For an advertiser, [...]