What Advertising Works Best?
Everyone wants their advertising to work. For contractors, that means investing your ad budget in a way that generates the most leads for the best price.
Generating lead volume is especially important during tough times like economic downturns or the recent pandemic. Finding the most effective medium to produce leads is essential for businesses to not only keep the doors open, but to sustain growth.
So where should you invest your ad budget?
To answer that question, it’s important to know what researchers have identified as the top advertising medium that influences a purchase decision.
Television is just that, according to a recent national study from ad research firm TVB. In their 2021 survey, nearly a quarter of U.S. consumers age 18 and up, said that television was the medium that most influences their purchase decisions. Radio takes second place with 16.6%.
In a home repair or improvement environment, that “purchase decision” often means picking up the phone or requesting information from a website. That makes television a fantastic tool for contractors.
There are secrets to making TV work even harder for you.
The first is understanding what type of programming in which to place your advertising. After all, television today offers customers almost limitless choices … and that means a lot of choices for advertisers, too.
The first choice we recommend for many contractors is local news. Studies show that local broadcast TV news is the most trusted news for consumers. Moreover, local news is both highly relevant and timely for the homeowners in your community. From weather to local sports and school closings to traffic updates, local news attracts a significant and engaged audience in every community.
So where should a home services company place their advertising?
With Television being the most influential medium for purchase decision and local broadcast TV news being the most trusted media source for news, it’s a good bet that investing in TV ads that run in local news should be a big part of your balanced marketing plan.