What Makes the Approach in Home Service Advertising Different From […]
When Thinking About Your Brand and Re-Branding is a Big […]
Businesses throughout the world strive to distinguish themselves from their competitors. Here are some key strategies that can help you win business and market share from your competition.
How Testimonials Can Grow Your Organic Leads We have all […]
The Nucleus of Your Sales Funnel is… TV? Let’s clear […]
Over the course of 24 months, RCG Contractor Marketing helped expand the overall services footprint and branding outreach of our client in Western Michigan. In order to grow their existing service area, strategies included streamlining creative, eliminating tracking inefficiencies, and optimizing media across their existing DMA’s (Designated Market Area). As a result, RCG helped total leads grow by 32% with only a corresponding 14% increase in investment. Subsequently the client’s growth allowed them to expand into 4th market DMA.